Rain Stopped Play (again)

IMG_0655After yesterday’s wall to wall sunshine today was the flip side of the coin, floor to ceiling rain.  Unfortunately this meant I had to cancel my visit to Max’s, disappointing as we are only just getting to know one another.  He had bravely been out for his constitutional and luckily agreed that it was a little soggy today for digging in the soil.  So it was a day confined to barracks.  Soup was made, a writing project completed and the chores list is now a little shorter; prevarication was also indulged.  This beautiful grass, Hordeum jubatum or squirrel tail, was yesterday shamelessly waving its silver pink tassels in the balmy breeze.  Today I am guessing it will be looking a little more like a water rat!

9 thoughts on “Rain Stopped Play (again)

  1. I sympathise about the rain, we have been under it, too. The Hordeum is lovely, have looked it up and now that is another for my wish list as it seems it will thrive in most soils, wonderful!


  2. Well I started watering yesterday, Malc said’ I wouldn’t bother if I were you it’s going to rain’ but I ignored him…silly girl… had to run in …put hose pipe away this morning.


  3. What a pretty grass; love the silky heads. Do you have a problem with it reseeding everywhere? It’s supposed to be a “prolific seeder” supposedly.


    1. Good grief, I did not mean to repeat myself so blatantly, LOL — I must be watching one too many politicians lately!


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