Six on Saturday – It’s a Miracle

Parahebe catarractae

It is Saturday.  Outside it is blowing a hoolie and periodically horizontal rain joins in the fun.  My ‘to do’ list makes War and Peace look like a novella.   I have writing to finish and don’t need any diversions thank you very much.  All great excuses not to participate in The Propagator‘s Six on Saturday.  But as I can be contrary even to myself, I thought, “why not, the rest can wait, I will brave the storm”.  And so I did.

First a stalwart of this little garden, Parahebe catarractae, which I believe might be now called Veronica catarractae, feel free to take your pick.  It was here when we arrived and flowers almost non-stop.  It was tempting to save this icy blue maiden for another day, for when I am desperate for blooms, but it deserved better than to be a fill-in.  Delicate, reliable, undemanding, all worthy attributes.

Liquidambar styraciflua
Liquidambar styraciflua

Next is our Liquidambar styraciflua, the American Sweetgum, which grows in pot in the small courtyard outside the kitchen door.  Totally inappropriate, but like a small child who wanted it now, I wanted it NOW.  Asking an assistant at a reputable plant centre (very very very reputable) if they sold liquidambars he said he had never heard of it and did I know the Latin name.  Um.  We found one in the end at “I can’t remember where” and it will have to stay in its temporary accommodation until we move to a mansion in the countryside with a couple of acres of land. Um again.


Right, who’s next?  Oh yes, this little argyranthemum, rescued in the spring from the bargain bin at a garden centre. It has battled, as everything out the front has, with prolonged and vicious mollusc attack.  Still, it has struggled through and hopefully will last the winter.  The Great Hedge of Ilfracombe next door has been cut down to a couple of feet, which has been wonderful for us and our sea views.  This might however be to the detriment of some of the more vulnerable over the winter months when the wicked winds pick up.  We will see.

Hedychium 'Tara'
Hedychium ‘Tara’

Now we have another of my beloved ginger lilies the exotic beauty, Hedychium ‘Tara’.  I think she speaks quite nicely for herself.

Pelargonium 'Calliope Hot Pink'
Pelargonium ‘Calliope Hot Pink’

On to a relatively new arrival to the fold, Pelargonium ‘Calliope Hot Pink’.  We are lucky hereabouts that pelargoniums often over-winter in our benign climate.  Cue the worst winter in living memory. Favourites do get protected from the worst of the rain and I think this may be one of the cossetted ones.  Just in case.

Fuchsia microphylla
Fuchsia microphylla

It wouldn’t be a Six on Saturday without a fuchsia.  So to conclude, the final contestant in today’s beauty contest is the diminutive and most charming Fuchsia microphylla.   When I was a child I loved visiting model villages, where everything was in miniature perfection.   This fuchsia evokes the same Lilliputian love in me.

There we have it Mr P.  Four weeks on the trot.  It’s a miracle.  It can’t possibly last.


22 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – It’s a Miracle

  1. The Parahebe looks amazing. I googled to see if I could grow it here, and I’m taking yhe fact that all the links come from the UK, NZ, and US northwest as a bad sign.

    It’s nice to see people appreciating sweetgums. Like a prophet getting no respect in his own town, no one thinks of Liquidambar as an ornamental around here. Its just another big forest tree or something that sprouts in the lawn if you wait too long to mow. I like them, but a lot of people moan about the gumballs. If you step on one barefoot, they’re worse than lego.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Worse than lego, that is bad! The thought of a forest of liquidambar is an amazing one, must be a wonderful sight in the autumn (fall). Between us we can make it work. If you take care of the liquidambar, I will be in charge of the parahebe. 🙂


  2. You’re doing better than I! Not just in participating in SoS but in keeping stuff alive. That flowerius purpulianus (gotta end with “anus” these days) may be a future possibility. OK I like it. Damned want list grows again. Lawn shrinks again. ……

    Everything else is failure (pelargoniums cos I bought lots of red ones and got anything but). I had one of those fuchsias here. Told it was front of border dwarf. Dug it out after two years and about 4 feet. These days I never listen to whoever is selling anything. I never go to plant fairs with cash. I get a nice afternoon out and an empty car on the way back.


  3. Very nice. I like that you have a Liquidambar – I don’t 😦 Not enough space…
    They didn’t start to change colour here yet.


  4. Absolutely beautiful, all of them. I am back on-line, HOORAY!! I hope to join in again this coming Saturday. Perhaps at this rate I might manage once a month, BT permitting.

    Liked by 1 person

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