A Pressing Engagement


For the past couple of years The Farm have juiced their apple crop to sell to their visitors. Previously I have missed the Day of the Great Juicing but, as luck would have it, this year the event coincided with my work day. Earlier in the week Slasher had picked the fruit.  This is mainly produced by two trees, with an extra few from the odd ancient lost-in-the-hedgerow.  Although the new orchard is yet to produce any fruit, the trees have established well and look healthy and as happy as an apple tree can look. In a couple of years they may be contributing to the press.  Not just yet though.

The men arrived in an unmarked white transit, forthwith to be known as the Juicemobile.  Inside were an array of washing tubs, hoses, brushes, pulping machines and the master press.  They set to work, watched by a few ducks and a nosy gardener.  Before long, the rosy red apples were crushed and pressed into sweet, delicious apple juice.   All in a couple of hours.  Can’t be bad!

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