

Not today’s photo, in fact it is ancient history, taken at the beginning of last week.  I spotted this little monster happily scoffing the flowers of one of my ever-flowering osteospermums.  Potential for Six on Saturday, I thought, if I ever get around to taking any more pictures.  Which I didn’t.

Since then all has changed.  You may have heard about it.  It has turned a little nippy again.  In an attempt to rescue at least some of my plants, the osteo and its neighbours have been wrapped in horticultural fleece.  This time I actually managed to protect them before the weather turned for the worse.  Earlier today I removed the snow that was weighing down their cosy blanket.  But it was too soon to release them from their corsets, another threat had emerged.  At irregular intervals globs of thawing snow were falling from the roof above.  These were unceremoniously splatting atop the already irritated plants below.  I believe it is called, adding insult to injury.

I wonder if Katrina the Caterpillar has hunkered down, snuggling up between the various pelargonium, tibouchina and salvias.  If there is hope for her, then there is hope for the poor unfortunate plants.  And I do tend to live in hope.

18 thoughts on “Hope

  1. I wonder how the tibouchina is getting on under all that. I can’t grow one here because we get heavy frost.


  2. If it’s any consolation, Devon snow was mentioned on the news here in South Wales again today. Indeed, it made national news on the BBC (well a road did – blocked by a multiple accident following some lady trying to find carnations). I’ve been planting today – weather be damned. Well the instructions said “plant immediately on receipt”. Five layers of clothing above the carnation!


  3. A great shot, a moment of fame before you stamped on him. The snow has mostly gone thank goodness. For now at least. I hope your plants have all survived in their fleecey corsets.

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  4. It looks a healthy little critter, with lots of nice things to chew on by the sounds of it. You will probably see it again now that the sun is out today. Let’s hope this better weather continues for a bit now that we have reached the Spring Equinox.

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