
Tibouchina urvilleana

Some plants are very late coming into bloom in our garden.  As we live in a blame-blame culture I am going to point the finger at a hard winter, a late spring, followed by a sweltering summer.  It could be one, the other, a combination of any, whatever, they are tardy.  This reluctance to flower may have been exacerbated by inadequate cold protection and lack of watering during the great drought of ’18.  Unlikely though, it couldn’t possibly be anything to do with my poor husbandry or lack of enthusiasm after tending to other peoples’ little darlings all day.  Crazy talk.

Dahlias, fuchsias, salvias, are all dawdling along as if they had all the time in the world.  Well let me tell you something my lovelies, you laid-back-to-vertical slovens, the winter is fast approaching and do I need to remind you what happened last year!  Get a move on, flower, shut down and prepare for the worst!

A beauty that is often late on parade is Tibouchina urvilleana, the Brazilian Glory Bush.  A gift from Mrs Fish before she headed south for the summer, the buds are almost as glorious as the flowers.  Not quite.  But almost.  Won’t be long.

27 thoughts on “Blame

      1. What?! How can you compare those two? There is nothing as purplish blue as the T! Crape myrtle is such a trashy common default tree here. That is why I often spell it without the ‘e’ in ‘crape’. No one wants to prune in severely enough to promote the real flashy bloom that it is capable of. Oh my; did I just rant again?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. hmmm, still no replacement for T.
        It is interesting that the tropical species looks something like the common specie that does better with (un-tropical) extremes of weather. The common specie does (too) well here, but does even better where winters are cooler. I believe that the tropical species is in San Diego, albeit uncommon. However, I do not remember ever seeing it in the Los Angeles area. Now you got my attention though. An alternative to the common crape myrtle? Hmmmmm (again).

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      3. Different in habit would not be a problem. It just means that it would be used differently, like so many other trees. The common crape myrtle has many attributes. I just dislike it so because of what it is. Something with similar attributes that is NOT the common crape myrtle sounds appealing. Does it happen to have comparable color in autumn? I know that would be too much to ask of a tropical specie


  1. Yup. The long finger of blame pointing at everything and everyone else……. Congratulations on making it past the scaffolding and builders’ bums to take that photo. Hey, will we get six bums on Saturday? As long as they’re all in your garden …..

    Uh, no thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That Tibouchina will be lovely when it opens. I have some dawdlers here, including my Salvia microphylla, probably ‘Kew Red’, the one I gave you a cutting from. It is usually in flower by July, it has only just opened some flowers this past week. Tardy indeed!


      1. You are not alone, and many of my plants have gone over very quickly after bursting into a delayed blooming. I had to correct ‘pants’ to ‘plants’, that would have sounded strange!!

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  3. So glad to hear that the Tibouchina is doing its stuff in new surroundings! It survived its first winter with just a fleecy wrap in an unheated greenhouse – so not a particularly delicate flower this one?! My transported Salvia, Fushias and Pelargoniums are all enjoying the early Autumn sunshine too – all in full bloom still 🙂


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