Those Friday Feelings

P1020526 (2)Tired and tetchy.  In fact I am so worn out I can only muster two adjectives at the moment.   Mind you come to think of it there is always “weary and weather beaten”, “dreary and down trodden” and let’s not forget  “lethargic and leaden”.  Enough self indulgence!  The apricot conserve blooms of Rosa “Lady Hillingdon” have lifted my spirits. I would imagine there is little this elegant rose wouldn’t improve.

5 thoughts on “Those Friday Feelings

  1. Lady Hillingdon is absolutely beautiful and I sympathise, that Friday absolutely bushed feeling, can there be any more mud under my finger nails calls for a large glass of something nice!


  2. Oh gosh yes, lethargic and leaden! I know that one well 😦 Hope you will have a lovely weekend to make up for it , with some R&R…..yes, plus a nice big glöass of something nice! 🙂


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