
The wind is blowing and the raining is pouring and I have too much time to think. My mind is a terrier, shaking worries to no avail, when it would be more sensible to wander into happier mental climes. And who is suffering? The person who I believe wronged me? Not at all. They are oblivious; whilst I am agonising, perplexed and astounded, reliving events, even worrying that the mistake was mine, they care nothing.

And then I remembered something. A few months or years or whatevers ago I attended a mindfulness session, with Lady Mantle. Do not fret, Lady Mantle was not in charge of proceedings, that would be a different event altogether. A much more appropriate women was in charge, the lovely Gemma, our yoga teacher, with her peach skin voice and ways of fluid gentleness.

Amongst other things that day, Gemma explained to us the concept of RAIN. No, not rain; in North Devon we know quite a lot about that already, there is no call for workshops on the subject. I am talking about RAIN. This particular version of RAIN stands for Recognise, Allow, Investigate, Nurture.

This is my interpretation, please forgive me if I am mistaken, I was in a near trace-like state of relaxation at the time and for this we must blame Gemma. Perhaps it works like this: I recognise my hurt, I allow myself be angry, I attempt to understand why I feel that way and lastly, through self-kindness, I can move forward. Something like that anyway, perhaps you could look it up. It helped, it really did.

You could also admire the pink hull-like flowers of Lobelia bridgesii, they will soothe soul too.

21 thoughts on “Terrier

  1. I like that terrier description. I can be like that too. But I also like RAIN. very wise, will try and implement. I hope it has worked for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a dreadful worrier, and somedays my mind goes into overdrive. I think I’ll try your RAIN out, it sounds good to me. In the meantime can we have some more of the real stuff please. My garden is bone dry ☹

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would add a W. Writing the process is a powerful therapy. Unfortunately RAINW isn’t catchy, but there life don’t always fit nicely into acronyms.
    Lobelia is lovely. Doesn’t mind that neighbouring plants try to sap its energy.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Bingo! WRAIN is perfect. But… the effectiveness of writing may be stronger after the other steps, as in your article.
        Also, writing it out loud is just magic!

        Liked by 1 person

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