Six on Saturday – You can’t keep a good fern down

February has arrived; which is officially the last month of winter. That is if like me you prefer to adhere to the meteorological interpretation of events, at this end of the year anyway. And it’s a shortie so should fly by. Then, baby, the only way is up! My Six on Saturday this week has no particular theme, which is remiss as I do love a theme. It is however led by endeavour and finished with love. Any newbies to the SoS phenomena should pop on over to The Prop’s site and all will become perfectly clear, or perhaps not so. If in doubt treat it as a Dadaist interpretive inter-planetary art project.

Let us start with a sight that made me grin when I saw it, a coyly unfurling frond of Cyathea australis beneath its veil of fleece. You can’t keep a good fern down.

Next, we have the front garden hellebore, which has done very well this year and seems to have multiplied admirably. Unfortunately, I failed to undertake the promised move, so to admire its mottled flower face requires the flexibility of Simone Biles. I will move it for the new owner.

Onto cyclamen seed pods, which have corkscrewed down and are now poised to push into the soil. Self-sowing; nature is a wonderful thing, and we are part of this amazing world. How this indisputable fact is continually over-looked is a complete mystery.

Question: What could possibly be better than a bud? Answer: A furry bud! The Phlomis fruticosa in the frozen north is gearing up for an early display.

Now we have a defiant osteospermum, its blue boss hinting of its hardiness. The petals are curled in defence of the weather, slimming its profile, looking quite different to its summer appearance. Two for the price of one!

Lastly, we have a heart-shaped leaf of Pelargonium cordifolium var. rubrocinctum, having absorbed its chlorophyll ready to drop. On reflection I should have saved this picture for Valentine Day, but you can’t go wrong with a symbol of love, there is more than enough to go around.

That is your lot, you lovely people. Hope all is good in your worlds. Stay safe and well.

25 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – You can’t keep a good fern down

  1. You know how to protect from specials with a little light covering, or is it your artistic bent to give the unfurling crosier an even greater air of mystery?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One of my Osteos is looking very black! Quite alarming and I hope I haven’t lost it. A good haircut is required (the osteo, as well as me) but I am waiting until after this cold spell we are threatened with comes and goes. Well it might not come here, but I am not counting my chickens (I don’t have any). I could go count lambs though… have a lovely weekend. When are you being turfed out of your abode then?

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  3. What ! An osteospermum in February !!… incredible…
    It’s good to see the new fern fronds… For Cyathea, I give it a go from Mike’s spores ( sown 1 month ago) … It will need a little time and I hope it will succeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ll surely find a hidden theme if I dig deep enough…
    In meantime, I’m impressed with the self-sowing cyclamen. There’s another plant I’ve not grown. This SOS is making a joje of my garden budget! Have a good week, a chara. As you say, February is a shortie.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There’s definitely a 1001 Nights vibe to the fern in her veil, how mysterious. You are very kind to consider the hellebore viewing constraints for the future dwellers of your abode. How are you deciding which plants to leave and which to take??!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I generally think of fern fronds as rather delicate, but this one is strong as a fist. I have to admit that I find the apple-round buds of hellebore more pleasing that the fully opened flowers. The seed pods of the cyclamen are a similar shape. I’ve never seen these before and am fascinated by your description of the stems writhing down toward the soil to deposit their seed.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What cyclamen is that? Do all cyclamen do that with their seed? I remember plucking the seed from the common florists’ cyclamen before they did much more than ripen. I intend to get some Cyclamen hederifolium this year, but have never worked with them before.

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  7. You’ve got such an eye for detail, Gill so it’s little wonder you appreciate nature so well. Cyclamen seeds are just wonderful and then of course little ants spread the seeds around the garden for us – simply wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

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