My Day

It began with a shining sun; I saw Nancy Nightingale and Scooby the giant puppy for the first time since before Christmas (although no physical gardening, just pointing and planning); I went to a garden centre and didn’t buy a single plant although I did admire a few (honest guv); I bought a dozen of North Devon’s finest eggs; I went for a walk with my beloved and admired the catkins and blue sky, from afar we chatted with smiling friends and strangers alike; I discovered two baby slugs, as bold as you like, in my little greenhouse, they have been evicited with no notice; I gladly waved goodbye to our old oak bureau, on its way to a new home; I ate chilli and jacket spuds and soon there will be a couple of squares of sea salt dark chocolate to dunk into my cup of tea.

I can’t complain about my day, not this time anyway.

18 thoughts on “My Day

  1. Such an uplifting day, although not being a tea drinker (I’m committed to coffee) I can’t imagine dunking good chocolate into a cup of tea!


    1. I am a massive coffee fan too, it is just I can’t drink it in the evening anymore, not if I want any sleep! The choccie is dipped into rooibos (no milk) but that is possibly as odd. No as odd as my dad who used to dip bread and butter into his cuppa proper tea!

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  2. Feeling little jealous of the garden centre – they’re not essential in Scotland apparently and even the rather uninspiring local DIY place doesn’t really have any plants just now. It’s not that I really need anything but sometimes window shopping in garden centres is just what you need.

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