Six on Saturday – Gloomy

We have got to the point in the year where acceleration has reached optimum velocity. Any pretence of control has been thrown out the window with the OS map. There is no brake pedal (one of my favourite anxiety dreams) and we just have to free wheel down the hill as best we can without causing too much harm. Perhaps we should just lift up our feet and shout “wheeeeee!”. Enough with the analogies? Quite right too. You won’t find any of those kind of fripperies over at Prop Central, take a look to find out what the rest of the world has been up to, you won’t be disappointed. Before we go any further, I must explain the title “gloomy”, it refers to the weather and photos, not my mood. Now let’s boogie on!

First we have an aerial shot of my radish seedlings, taken from a drone. Not really, I just stood over the pot. But you didn’t really think …….? Aren’t they bounding along? Someone has taken a nibble here and there, but I don’t mind sharing a little. Just a little.

Next a new member of the family. More compost was needed so we popped into the garden centre and somehow (I’m sure you know how it is) this little lovely ended up in the shopping trolley. Soon, and yes I really mean soon, it will be potted up in its own special terracotta pot and given pride of place.

Now a rather dusty cactus. On the epic crammed journey from North Devon to South Wales, OH held this and equally spiky friend in a box on his lap. Jeopardy.

Onto a pot of bedding I planted to cheer up the front of the house, which has settled in very nicely. What a wonderful daughter I am.

For years I lusted over a variegated jerusalem sage in Phlomis Phlo’s and TT’s garden. I took cuttings on several ocassions, always ending in failure. They also took cuttings will zero success. Just before we moved TT came to pick up a large potted to feed his Australisian habit and with him he bought the above plant. The reluctant Phlomis ‘Rougemont’ had seeded itself in the surrounding gravel. It was meant to be.

Finally, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, head hanging low due to the weight of her tresses. I liberated this from Zeus’ mum who was dismayed by her reckless habit. I was hoping she would behave herself a little more with me. Perhaps not.

And that is your lot, my friends. Hope you all have the requisite ratio of rain and sunshine in your lives. Til next time.

35 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – Gloomy

  1. I can no longer count the radishes nibbling by “I don’ know who” in the garden. I actually leave a small part of them but the most damaging this year is the heat which made mine raise and bloom. Lots of losses…
    Very pretty flowers also this week and I like this pretty cactus

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What is it about phlomis that makes it so hard to grow from a cutting? I have had no luck at all.
    I had a few punnets off pansies and violas tagging along with me after my hardware shop trip yesterday. Goodness knows how they got in the car…..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Come west, young lady. Sunny all week out in the wilderness. Yet again, the weather didn’t read the forecast! Why do I get the impression that the new place you are still seeking would be described as “Garden with available surrounding land for expansion essential. House optional.”?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now radishes are something that the slugs always find in my garden, and with Friday’s deluge of rain I am sure they are having a feast today. Beautiful pot – gold star for daughter duties! Hope your weather gloom is broken up by glorious sunshine soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The radishes look promising, mine all succumbed to either slug attack or the cats confusing the veg bed for a litter tray in spring: and radishes are supposed to be easy! The variegated Jerusalem Sage is already looking lovely, I like that combo of creamy white with sage green!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gertrude is indeed a rather floppy rose, and no two blooms ever seem to look alike! Well done on the bedding pot, I simply popped a few impatiens into pots, never thought to add something else. Good that you are keeping your hand in whilst looking for the ‘forever home’.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There’s something very pleasing about Radish (and other brassica) seedlings. Even with the nibble marks!

    I must say, I’ve never tried to take cuttings of Phlomis. It’s a plant a rather like, so I daresay I shall try (and fail) at some point! Glad you managed to get one – the variegation is very nice.


  8. I’m now growing radish in pots in the greenhouse, it’s the only way I can get an edible crop. Slugs and flea beetles have me beat. Jeopardy indeed, a long way to stay awake and avoid a nasty accident.


  9. Very good! Your first photo has helped me to identify some microgreens of mine that are starting to come up — they’re a mixed lot, so I don’t really know what I’ve got. I like to let them grow out, beyond the micro stage, so it’s useful to know.
    And the rose — woah!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Phlomis is that important? I can not get rid of it. There are two species out there, although they look like the same without bloom. One is yellow, and the other is pink. It works nicely where there is no irrigation, but I am none too keen on it in the refined parts of the landscapes.
    Godetia is native to the north and south of here, but does not look like the garden varieties. It is not labeled by species when I see it, so I suspect that it is another species, or a hybrid of something.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Drone? There was me thinking that you’d been cart-wheeling (avec no brake pedal) with camera strapped to forehead!
    Hope you’re having a great week, and the sun/rain balance is about right.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I remember telling my friend about swallowing a daffodil bulb. A&E said I’d be out in the spring… My friend told joke to her mam, and it didn’t go well!

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