The Best Policy

IMG_2300 (2)Just has to be honesty!*

* This is a gardening joke so apologies to those who are not of that persuasion.  Explanation as follows:  This is the seed head of Lunaria annua whose common name is Honesty.  The name is thought to be a reference to the transparency of the seed head.  The phrase “honesty is the best policy” is attributed to the 18th century American Founding Father and polymath Benjamin Franklin.  Doesn’t seem quite so funny anymore.

4 thoughts on “The Best Policy

      1. Thanks for your question. I wouldn’t call it a break, exactly. I was asked to submit a painting for a benefit for the art school and I had to figure out some new processes to complete the painting. Meanwhile, the printmaking continued. And the weeding, watering and planting. Not to mention the stuff inside the house. I do hope to report on some of these activities quite soon. 🙂


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