Six on Saturday – Boomerang

We’ve done it! We’ve made to astronomical spring unscathed. Perhaps a little water-damaged and nibbled around the edges, but on the whole not bad for a forever emersion in the dank months. Still, it’s nothing some longer days, later sunsets and a few shoots and buds won’t fix. I know I’ve already celebrated meteorological spring, but any excuse for a party. Pop over to see what is happening on Planet Prop to check out what is going on in the biggest Six on Saturday party of them all. Don’t forget your bottle of turnip wine and cheese straws. It’s time to get on with the task in hand, so without further ado…..

First, we have last year’s beetroot. This was an optimistic sowing in a window box without a window, then subsequently disregarded. I expect the roots will be rock hard, useful only if the Welsh invade. Then again, it might be more sensible to make friends with the Celts and negotiate a cut price journey back over the channel. In that case, the contents will be knocked out, their density assessed for cooking potential and then composted, leaving the terracotta container free for the journey across the water. Until then the leaves are very pretty in the sunshine.

Next, we have Exchorda x macrantha ‘The Bride’. Possibly, they usually are. Unruly in nature, beautiful in bloom. On balance, I can neither recommend nor dissuade you from growing this shrub. Today, it looks like a good option and it has only just begun to reveal its virginal blooms. Later in the year, when lack of discipline is begins to grate, I may not be quite so keen.

OH came home the other day and said “You know those stones that Indiana Jones had to rescue from the baddies, the ones with magical properties? Well I found one down the road and I’ve left in the front garden.” Of course I went out to have a look. And there it was, just west of the olive. It is indeed one of the Sankara Stones. Apparently they bring warmth and life but if you upset Shiva they will impart a fiery destruction upon you. So far it hasn’t proved to be massively helpful, but we live in hope. Perhaps I should warn any delivery drivers of the potential wrath.

Onto Muscari macrocarpum ‘Golden Fragrance’. The flower begins the colour of dirty dishwasher opening to that of a lemon opal fruit (what are they called now?) that has been in your pocket for a couple of months, the has paper fallen off and it is now adorned with fluff and mud and unidentifiable detritus. Am I being harsh? Perhaps. Still the delicious scent makes up for its lack of glamour. It takes all sorts to make our world.

Listen! Can you hear something? It is the march of the nasturtium seedlings. And there is no stopping them. Resist at your peril.

Several or more years ago, when I was “on” rather than “off” the edge I sowed some seed of Trillium sessile. I loved them. It would be safe to say I pandered to their every need. Then I left them. Such is the nature of a flibberty gibbet. This week Hero messaged me with a tantalising photo of one of my prodigy. “Give it to me” I shouted. And here it is, returned, like a horti boomerang. It made me laugh when I saw it again in real life. I will never leave it again. Most probably.

Well my lovelies, that is your lot, have a great week and dont forget to stay safe and well.

22 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – Boomerang

  1. Crikey! You’re Triĺlium is lovely, They seem to take so long to bulk up in my garden, that I never thought of growing them from seed. Such patience!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had to laugh about your description of the yellow Muscari – despite the unusual colour I don’t think you have persuaded me to add it to my list of bulbs for next year! My nasturtiums are keeping a low profile for now whilst the forget-me-nots march on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had these Trillium in my garden further north. Love them, native to the nearby mountains. None here, the Yellow Muscari is fascinating and I always love a good rock for the garden – so I can Romance the Stone, yeah?


  4. Such a lovely start of Spring! Looks like the garden decided get started early – maybe with the bountiful blessings from the returned Indiana Jones stone.
    Which plant are you most looking forward to eating this Spring?


  5. See?! Your trilliums are prettier! That is why it seems odd to me that guests comment on our scrawny native trilliums. Many of them (guests) come from regions where trilliums are actually pretty. Nonetheless, because they notice and appreciate the trilliums, I appreciate them also, and feel obligated to relocate them to more prominent locations, and perhaps pamper them into blooming more impressively.
    Nasturtiums? Resistance is futile! Do you really believe that ‘some people’ do not like them? Anyway, don’t get me started.
    Normally, I would say that you can be as harsh as you like in regard to Muscari, especially those weird modern cultivars that are (gasp) . . . not blue. However, I SO enjoy my old fashioned Muscari (which I know as grape hyacinth). I probably mentioned earlier that I tried to kill them all for many years, and then missed them when they were gone. Somehow, a single bulb or perhaps a few survived, and grew unnoticed into a small colony. I was so pleased to realize a few years ago that they had survived. I recently divided the now large colony into four colonies! I won’t add any of the modern cultivars though, except maybe for ‘Album’, and only because it looks like a white version of the original.


  6. It’s happening again, the wish list is getting longer. Trilliums now added but not from seed for me 😀That one looks so healthy. Also doing well in the vigour stakes are the nasturtium seedlings- no sign of mine yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your trillium are beautiful and if you are adventurous you could try using your younger beet greens in smoothies if you like smoothies that is. You may be surprised with nice roots too. I planted some carrots and thought they would be woody after a winter underground. they were just as young and tender as could be.


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