19 thoughts on “Celandine

  1. Was it sunny? That bright yellow flower makes me think it was. Here, too! I planted perennials and bulb; and dug grass out of the beds. It’s a treat to go anywhere in the city–magnolias in bloom; forsythia in bloom and blossoming trees everywhere; and blossom showers. Bliss!


  2. I too am plagued with this pretty but prolific wild flower/weed/bloody nuisance! I have tried digging it out for years but it comes back in even greater numbers. Thank goodness it disappears by the end of June. I think the best plan is to chop off all the flowers so it can’t set seed. However, it still makes more of those soil coloured rhizomes which are impossible to see! Drat and double drat!


  3. I think in some situations it would be easier just to enjoy them, and snap off some of the flowers to keep them in check 😉


  4. I do wish they did not like my soil so much! I do like them in the hedgerows but agree with all the above comments about them being a nuisance and weed.


      1. Never saw them in my free-draining sandy loam in Yorkshire and rarely in the wild. I think they must just LOVE the moist clay down here!


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