Six on Saturday – Happy Landings

The day finally arrived. Who would have thought it? On Wednesday the removal men carted most of our belongings to storage, all but the bare essentials to tied us over. Yesterday we loaded the charabanc to the rafters, every single item apparently crucial, and off we tootled to the land of TJ, MB, SB and JK. Today will be the first, hopefully, of many Welsh Six on Saturday’s. We are currently camping out with Peggy, until we find a house of our own, so all these flowers are from her garden. Like a returning student daughter I brought a bag of dirty washing with me. We are very pleased to be here, but it has been a long week and exhausting both emotionally and physically. Therefore, this will possibly be short, but hopefully will be sweet. Just like me. Pop on over to The Prop to find out what is in with the horti in-crowd. Shall we proceed?

First we have a Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’. I remember buying this at the local garden centre. It is lovely but outgrown its space. The area where it flourishes at the moment apparently wants to be dug out and replanted with so it is full of colour. Not sure where Peggy is going to find a gardener to sort that out.

There are plenty of weeds, that is true, but this dandelion is looking very pretty. Not so keen about the horsetail that seems to have appeared.

Then a cistus which is long and leggy in the shady front of the house. Not an ideal place but it is valiantly flowering.

Onto the charming (and unplanned) partnership of persicaria and Euonymus fortunii.

Then a rogue euphorbia, surreptitiously spreading at the back of the border. Still, the flowers are bizarrely beautiful.

Finally, this aquilegia was here to welcome us when we arrived. A reminder that wherever you lay your granny’s bonnet that’s your home.

We are done! Take care my friends. Now where did I pack that cement mixer?

27 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – Happy Landings

  1. Pictures on the go! That’s dedication. It remind me of the pictures I got when and where the car broke down in town, or the pictures I got when I was stuck in San Jose during the evacuation from the CZU fire. I guess we make it work. That’s a nice columbine, not just because it is white. Columbine is nice anyway. So is that Mexican orange. Coincidentally, we might be adding some at work. It is not my idea. I am hesitant about it, since it rarely does well here. There are some nearby that are mediocre. I do like the bloom when it works out though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am impressed with your dedication, Gill. I am being a bit lazy about SoS, a bit worried about repeating myself and also at the moment away from home in the Snowy Mountains (which aren’t very snowy yet, but very cold). Your Euphorbia photo is very interesting. It’s amazing what you see when looking very closely at a flower.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A new home and a new garden – what an adventure! Did you bring pots of things from your old garden to Peg’s as well? Waiting for their new perfect spot? I’ve not seen/heard of Choisya before – wiki says the flowers smell like oranges. How wonderful!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve been with you in spirit all week, and to think you had sufficient energy to post Six on Saturday…what a valiant soul you are sis. Happy landings.

    Liked by 2 people

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