Six on Saturday – Stormy

The prospect of Storm Kathleen hovers. She is the 11th named storm of the year and will undoubtedly bringing mayhem and destruction in her skirt tails. Which is ample excuse to have taken photos on Friday when the weather, though gusty and showery, was a little more well mannered. Looking out of the office window this morning, there is no sign of chaos or even a breath of wind, perhaps this is the proverbial “calm before the storm”. Perhaps she changed her mind, oh fickle storm! If you wish to get weather reports from across the globe, and the odd plant or six, pop over to Grand Master Sos, it will be an education. Shall we begin?

First we have Impatiens omeiana, looking it’s early season best, reveling in the persistent rain. It should have been moved, I don’t like it where it is because the leaf is too similar the rhody next to it. But wasn’t because I didn’t do it. Mañana.

It is mushroom compost time of year again. Welsh John gets a couple of pallets and myself and Welsh Ann have 10 bags each. It is delicious. You know if you know.

Erythronium californicum ‘White Beauty’ – not quite white but definitely a beauty.

We have a pair of wood pigeons who visit the garden, they are called Mr and Mrs Einstein. They potter about looking a bit vacant, eating fallen seed from the feeders. It seems that fresh hosta is rather tempting.

I was going to call this blog Bring Out Your Dead but thought better of it. Space in the greenhouse is becoming sparce and these pelargoniums have been ejected due to not making an effort to live.

Finally we have Ribes x gordonianum, syn R. x beatonii. More understated than Ribes sanguineum, but just as lovely.

That is all, hope the storm passes you by unharmed. Must rush, my boiled egg is ready!

30 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – Stormy

      1. It must. It has quite a following. I suspect that it performs best in the wild, but not so well within refined gardens. People who are familiar with it buy it from nurseries as it rarely becomes available, but within the mild climates here, I have never seen it do much.


  1. I agree, this erythronium is gorgeous. Impatiens really have special foliage and I’m delighted to have the same variety in my garden. Kathleen seems to be further north, and we will just have a few gusts but a little heat wave comes with Kathleen from the SW : take care

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The impatiens is lovely, definitely one I’ll look out for on my plant-buying travels. I’m planning a green and white front garden (eventually!) so the erythronium will be another one on my wish list, it’s beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It seems this is the week for Erythronium White Beauty and what a beauty she is! The foliage of the impatiens is gorgeous, who needs flowers with leaves like that! Don’t think the storm has arrived here yet, hope you stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If anyone asks why Mr and Mrs Einstein, please don’t tell them. My imagination is putting out all sorts and I’d hate to shut it down. I’m too familiar with the ‘bring out your dead’ theme, I’ve moved on mainly to the ‘what do I do with 25 dirty, empty pots’ stage, everyone a different size, shape and colour.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I hope my new Ribes makes the effort to live, I sure it will, how about that for each of us posting about this on the same week. Mine is yet to look magnificent as yours. I could do with several bags of mushroom compost here! 

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your posts always make me smile. Never would have I thought of naming wood pigeons. Brilliant choice of name but a pity that they seem partial to your hostas. I’ll have to keep an eye on those that visit my garden, now that the hostas are starting to appear. I need to grow some Erythroniums – ‘White Beauty’ is particularly lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh maybe I’m slandering and libelling the slugs! Maybe it’s Mr and Mrs WP here too. Lovely hostas and the erythronium. I have a similar combination planted together – slug heaven. Oh dear. There I go again!

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