Six on Saturday – ‘Twas the SoS Before Christmas

Twas the SoS before Christmas, when all through the garden,Not a creature was stirring, not even a ……… Oh dear, I may have fallen at the first hurdle, what rhymes with garden? Pardon? Lardon? This isn’t going well. The plan was a good one, the execution sorely lacking. In any case there are plenty of creatures stirring, I’veContinue reading “Six on Saturday – ‘Twas the SoS Before Christmas”

Six on Saturday – First and Last

February has arrived, as it always would, and what a relief. A short month, almost an afterthought, one to fill in a gap between January and March. Things have not progressed much since last week, but there have been glimmers of hope. For more Sixing pop over to His Propness and find out what hasContinue reading “Six on Saturday – First and Last”

Six on Saturday

I was all revved up for a Six a couple of weeks ago, in fact I had the photos lined up and scripts imagined. Then disaster struck and I had fisticuffs with my computer, which didn’t end well for me. We have since made friends (tentatively) and I am determined to join the throng thisContinue reading “Six on Saturday”

Six on Saturday – Distracted

I have been a little distracted of late, which has resulted in a deficiency in the blogging department. The reason for being even more away with the fairies than normal is that we are moving house. To be more accurate, we are attempting to. Yes, you heard me right, we trying to sell our houseContinue reading “Six on Saturday – Distracted”

Six on Saturday – Celebration

On the face of it there hasn’t been much to celebrate recently.  For quite a while now.  Most of the reasons, and there have been a fair few, have been, and are continuing to be, well documented.   Too many commas?  Perhaps.  In our little corner, just to add some spice to the mix, we haveContinue reading “Six on Saturday – Celebration”

A Solstice Six on Saturday

In the northern hemisphere, tomorrow is the winter solstice.  It is a time of optimism, an opportunity shout “up yours” to winter and, whilst shaking an angry fist, “your reign is nearly over Baby”.  The currently submissive Day will begin to nibble at the dominant Night, slowly at first, getting hungrier as the weeks pass. Continue reading “A Solstice Six on Saturday”

Six on Saturday – Mind Control

Until about an hour ago I was definitely not going to partake in Six on Saturday today.  I was strong.  I was recalcitrant.  I would not be bowed.  Exactly who does that Propagator chappy think he is anyway?  Controlling my Saturdays, forcing me to go outside into the big outdoors, rummaging around in my gardenContinue reading “Six on Saturday – Mind Control”

Six on Saturday – Conform to Type

For this Six on Saturday I have resolved to conform to type.   I will be featuring stereotypically seasonal issues only.  Possibly.  We shall see how that goes.  “What is this Six on Saturday?” I hear you ask.  “Have you just returned from trekking in the Amazon rainforest where you set up home with anContinue reading “Six on Saturday – Conform to Type”

Six on Saturday – Raindrops keep falling on my flowers

Someone must have speeded the film up.  It can’t possibly be Saturday again.  There is so much to cram into every week, it doesn’t seem fair that the time seems to pass more quickly at this time of year.   As we are pondering this anomaly, puzzled looks on our faces, gaining yet more wrinkles,Continue reading “Six on Saturday – Raindrops keep falling on my flowers”

Six on Saturday – Angels and Demons

Hip hip hooray, it’s another Saturday!  I’ve had a haircut and a bowl of chips with mayonnaise and now I am ready for anything.  Even a Six on Saturday.  No idea what I am talking about?  Where have you been?  Lost in the Bornean jungle, or Ikea’s soft furnishing department? Don’t worry, Sir Propalot willContinue reading “Six on Saturday – Angels and Demons”